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I blog regularly

Writing about injuries, treatment and assessment techniques, case studies, and anything that seems relevant and newsworthy! If you have anything I have not yet written about but that you would like to read my opinion on, then please email and ask!
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Mobiliser review

We have a Mobiliser here at the clinic, and we all love it – but what is it, and what does it do?

a trip to the bed shop…

Our friends over at Back In Action kindly lent us some of their new products to test – and wow, Nell enjoyed it!

Can my dodgy posture cause my shoulder pain?

A lot of our patients worry about their posture – and as we all spend more time sitting, it’s becoming really important. This week, Nell looks at how posture can affect your shoulder pain

This could be why your head hurts…

Headaches are really common, and are often blamed on stress, dehydration or loud noises – but did you know they can also be linked to your posture? 

Help! I just injured my ankle!

If you’ve just twisted or injured your ankle, when should you go and get medical help? How can you tell if it’s a fracture or a sprain? Read on to find out 

Why are ankles so important?

We use our ankles all the time without thinking anything of it – but the truth is, they’re delicate and finely tuned bits of kit. 

Do you have any questions that I can help with?

How to Be Your Own Physio The New Book from Nell Mead

Are you tired of quick fixes that leave you back at square one? Ready to take control of your health with evidence-based strategies?

My book isn’t just another health tome – it’s your ticket to understanding your body and conquering both niggles and long-standing symptoms.

How To Be Your Own Physio, The New Book by Nell Mead