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Wrist physiotherapy London

If you’re looking for wrist physiotherapy, and need a therapist who is thorough and thinks outside the traditional physiotherapy box, then look no further!

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Wrist physio

According to a 2019 report in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10% of people who are active or play sports suffer with wrist pain, a high number considering how debilitating wrist injuries can be. Just think about how many daily tasks would be affected if your wrists were immobilised!

But in my experience, relatively few cases of wrist pain actually start at the wrist.

More commonly, we undertake tasks or activities that our whole bodies don’t have capacity for – and our poor wrists end up trying (and failing) to compensate for our lack of strength, flexibility or coordination elsewhere.  For example – if you try to learn to do a handstand, but your shoulders aren’t flexible enough, then your wrists will have to compensate otherwise you won’t be able to get your feet over your head.  Or if you want to hit a forehand, but your ribcage is too stiff to rotate for a backswing, then a common place to compensate (and therefore overload) is the wrist.

What to expect from a wrist physio assessment

The first thing to expect is that we’ll be having a long chat!  I need to understand exactly when and where your wrist hurts – and what you’re hoping to be able to do with it!  For example, are we aiming to get you back to being able to carry a bag of shopping; or do you want to be able to play full-contact rugby or serve a tennis ball at 100mph?

Next, we’ll look at your wrist and everything that may be affecting its ability to do the job you want it to do.  We need to understand whether your wrist pain is due an issue within the wrist area, or whether it’s attempting to compensate for a dysfunction elsewhere in your body.

Working this out may involve imaging such as X-ray or MRI; and we may need to talk to other specialists such as an orthopaedic hand and wrist surgeon, a radiologist, a neurologist, a sports doctor or a rheumatologist.

Wrist treatment London

Physiotherapy for wrist pain will focus on retraining the muscles and movement patterns that control whichever area is at fault for the wrist pain, whether that’s the wrist itself or something higher up the chain – the neck, shoulder and ribcage are common culprits, as stiffness or poor control in these areas will often affect the way in which you position and load your wrist.

However, if we discover that there is structural damage to the bones, cartilage or ligaments, then we may also need to involve some of the other professionals. 

Teamwork is key to success in this situation if you’re to make the best possible recovery – but don’t forget that the most important member of the team is you!

Wrist physio assessments are 90 minutes

Follow-up sessions if required are usually an hour – it’s important to me to be very thorough when it comes to wrist physiotherapy, as I want to be the last wrist physiotherapist you need.

Wrist Pain Treatment London

At my London physio clinic I see patients with a variety of wrist issues including

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Wrist Sprains
  • Tendonitis
  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
  • Wrist Fractures
  • Arthritis
  • Ganglion Cysts
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
  • Wrist Instability
  • Trigger Finger

Learn more about the following knee physiotherapy I provide

Nell Mead Physiotherapy YouTube Channel

Where i share my logical and simple formula to help you improve your own body. See all my wrist physiotherapy related videos.

Wrist physio blog

As a leading wrist physiotherapist in London, I regularly write about injuries, treatment and assessment techniques.

Based on 35 reviews
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Daniel Levy
16:23 24 Dec 24
Nell is a genius. I rarely use that word but she is.I've seen dozens of physios, osteopaths, and other such practitioners, many of whom have worked for and with elite athletes and sports organisations, including national teams. Nell is the best by a distance.Her depth of knowledge, empathy, and ability to really relate to patients is second to none.She is extremely detailed and holistic, but also pragmatic, and combines her exemplary talents with a rare intellectual honesty and humility: she will not proffer easy answers to look smart in the moment, she will instead authentically investigate and let you know what she's seeing and where this leads her. She doesn't want to appear right, she just wants to find the truth.The first time I saw her, we spoke for a long time. I told her the entire history and context of the issue I was struggling with. When Nell sent the report after, it was 100% what I'd said. I've never seen this before. Normally these summaries are decent but a little off, not quite what you said, not quite what you meant, close but missing a few parts or misconstrued. Nell's was *exactly* what I'd relayed. She *truly* listened. Maybe that's part of what makes her so exceptional.If you can see her, do it. Physios don't get better than this.
Ashmi Shah
16:43 19 Dec 24
Nell is a superstar, first time I saw her I limped into her office - barely able to walk and in a lot of pain. After a lot of work on both parts I managed to run for the first time in years. I still haven't finished my journey but thank you Nell from the bottom of my heart - you gave me my life back and returned mum back to my kids 🙂 Also to anyone reading this review - buy her book - it's excellent!
AdeSte Greenhalgh
05:11 29 Oct 24
Nell is on a different level/planet than sports physios I have used. She clearly has an understanding of how the whole body as a system functions. I was a little suprised at her detailed documentation of my lifestyle.Bottom line a sucessful diagnosis clearly explained with clear detail of the reasoning. Everything just fell into place. I feel as though I am getting my old body back. I am purchasing her book "How To Be Your Own Physio".
Lucy Harriss
17:04 06 Oct 24
Nell is incredible! After seeing three different physiotherapists without much progress, I finally found Nell, who not only identified the real root of my long-standing niggles and sports-related injuries but also helped me address them effectively. Her depth of knowledge is remarkable, and I always looked forward to our insightful conversations about the human body. Even eight months after being discharged, I still incorporate her exercises into my daily routine, and they've made a lasting difference. I can't recommend Nell highly enough!
Susie Nicholson
05:42 18 Jun 24
I have experienced hip pain for 25 years and have seen so many different practitioners over the years and no one has effectively treated my symptoms and following a recommendation from an Sport's Physician, I saw Nell and she recognised that it was not my hips that were the problem but my left foot.Nell is thorough in her approach and has such a huge knowledge base and she looks at movement patterns that could be contributing to pain felt elsewhere in the body.I would recommend Nell to anyone who has complex and long-standing pain in their joints. After just 2 visits, I am feeling so much better and I have a plan that I follow at home to build up strength and stability. Nell is definitely the best physio you will ever see.
Matthew Beckford
10:32 19 Nov 23
I call Nell the final boss of Physios! When I first began seeing here I had a wide variety of problems and pain. She is reassuring, will try out innovative and new ways of treating you and is determined to find the underlying problems which need addressing.
Sarah Pemberton
13:43 06 Nov 23
Nell is fantastic. I was referred to her by a shoulder surgeon because I'd had serious impingement for several years and other things (e.g. steroid injections) had not helped. At the first appointment I was unable to lift my left arm above chin height. Nell traced the cause to asymmetry from a broken collarbone 16 years earlier. She got the shoulder moving again and I am now rock climbing harder than I was before I got injured. Her combination of manual therapy in clinic and giving me exercises to do at home has proved very effective. Every few months I get some other injury (e.g. broken hand from a fall) and she helps me to promptly rehab it. I've seen a bunch of physios over my lifetime but Nell is without any doubt the best!
Kirsty Clarke
11:13 26 Oct 23
Game changer. Nell seems to have fixed a 10-year problem (plantar fasciitis) in one or two sessions and now we’re seeing what else she can help me improve! As well as being exceptional at what she does, Nell is clearly very passionate about continually learning and is absolutely delightful company too. Worth every penny - best physio I’ve ever seen by some distance, and I’ve seen a lot!
Jane Kelly
18:21 04 Aug 23
Nell has an eye for detail and is good at solving complex problems. She is extremely knowledgable, professional and very kind.
Ben Turner
10:54 05 Jul 23
Nell is easily the best physio I’ve ever seen. Having had many disappointing physio sessions over the years, Nell made me feel confident that we really had got to bottom of my knee issue. Not only did she examine my knee, but all of my potential problem areas with instantaneous results. She just gets it, and she’s a lovely person too.
Howard Branley
17:59 04 May 23
As a medical professional with a running injury, I knew that there was only one person that I needed to see. Nell’s approach was holistic and focussed on finding the source of the issue rather than just trying to treat a symptom in isolation. Nell’s approach was calm, professional and caring. She followed up the consultation with a number of exercises to do. Her treatment plan worked like a dream and I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending her to anyone who’s struggling with an injury, pain or stiffness. First class from start to finish.
Symptoms can manifest anywhere in the body

If your symptoms are just in one part of your body, click the appropriate body area below for more information on specific assessments and treatment plans. Alternatively, if your issues aren’t localised to one area, or aren’t related to pain, then click here to see how I can help you with a wide range of physiotherapy services from a qualified physiotherapist in London.

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How to Be Your Own Physio The New Book from Nell Mead

Are you tired of quick fixes that leave you back at square one? Ready to take control of your health with evidence-based strategies?

My book isn’t just another health tome – it’s your ticket to understanding your body and conquering both niggles and long-standing symptoms.

How To Be Your Own Physio, The New Book by Nell Mead