Nell is a genius. I rarely use that word but she is.I've seen dozens of physios, osteopaths, and other such practitioners, many of whom have worked for and with elite athletes and sports organisations, including national teams. Nell is the best by a distance.Her depth of knowledge, empathy, and ability to really relate to patients is second to none.She is extremely detailed and holistic, but also pragmatic, and combines her exemplary talents with a rare intellectual honesty and humility: she will not proffer easy answers to look smart in the moment, she will instead authentically investigate and let you know what she's seeing and where this leads her. She doesn't want to appear right, she just wants to find the truth.The first time I saw her, we spoke for a long time. I told her the entire history and context of the issue I was struggling with. When Nell sent the report after, it was 100% what I'd said. I've never seen this before. Normally these summaries are decent but a little off, not quite what you said, not quite what you meant, close but missing a few parts or misconstrued. Nell's was *exactly* what I'd relayed. She *truly* listened. Maybe that's part of what makes her so exceptional.If you can see her, do it. Physios don't get better than this.