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"Let me come to you."

When you’re in pain, trying to recover from injury or illness whilst juggling the demands of a busy life, these five words can change everything.

It hurts. You know it’s past time for a visit to the physio. You know you’d feel so much better if you went. But it means trekking across town. Every bump and jostle along the way takes its toll. The idea of putting on a brave face to meet the world or making small talk in the waiting room is exhausting. The idea of fielding nosy questions about what’s wrong is miserable. You don’t want to see anyone. You don’t want to go anywhere.

Get in contact

Just call my London team on
0207 175 0150 or use the form below and let me help you get better.

Just call my London team on
0207 175 0150 or use the form here.

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When privacy, comfort, and convenience matter most, let me bring your physiotherapy appointments to you.

Eliminate the pain, risk, and inconvenience of travel

Use the time you’d spend getting yourself to and from your appointment in active rehabilitation with me. It means more time for treatments, exercises, and education to accelerate your healing.

Enjoy the total flexibility of a truly bespoke rehabilitation plan

Unbound from the 60 to 90 minute slots of clinic appointments, a half-day session or more gives us the luxury of building a totally customised rehab experience, tailored to your specific needs.

Relax in the familiar surroundings and privacy of home

Removing all external pressure and stress allows you to focus on the most important thing: getting better. A relaxed and comfortable environment puts you in the best possible state to benefit from treatment.

Optimise your environment for recovery

I’ll bring my expert eye to your home to evaluate and adjust potential problem spots such as seating, your home office and home gym. I can help you find strategies and workarounds that will set you up for success.

Learn your at-home rehabilitation exercises at home

Learning at home makes it much easier to stick with your prescribed exercise plan. We’ll go through the rehab exercises in the same environment you’ll be doing them each day, and record them so that you’re cued to do them correctly each time.

Train helpers to support your rehabilitation

If you have someone at home who could assist you with massage, stretching and exercise, I can show them the best way to help you and video it for future reference

Physiotherapy sessions at home begin at £2100 for a half day. Some patients request longer or ongoing home visits over the course of a week or even months. Whatever your needs may be, I’ll work with you to create a personalised programme of treatments and rehabilitative support in the comfort and privacy of your home.

Whether you’re dealing with a new injury or trying to overcome an issue that has plagued you for years, at-home physiotherapy smooths your way to recovery.

I’m Nell, a physiotherapist and former British Army Major. Over the last 20 years, I have helped thousands of people get better, even when it seemed like no one else could help. My success rate is directly tied to my treatment philosophy. I’m not the biggest fan of the word “holistic” (it sounds a bit woo) but I do know that helping you recover is a process of looking at your whole body, not just the bit that hurts. I can follow the clues and trace many problems back to their source and resolve them. The more information I have, the more precise I can be with treatment. And the more precise and targeted the treatment, the faster you start seeing improvements and relief. 

The profound advantage of at-home physiotherapy sessions is that it lets me follow the same process with your environment. I have the opportunity to see not just your whole body, but your whole environment. This is a rich source of information and insight I can use to help you get better, faster. For example, if you suspect your back pain may be worsened by sitting in one particular chair, I will be able to assess the existing ergonomics and suggest adjustments or replacements. If you’re struggling with getting up and down your stairs, we can look at exactly why those stairs are giving you trouble, and work out strategies to cope. I can assess your home office and your home gym to make sure they are set up correctly for maximum safety, comfort, and musculoskeletal health.

When I’m familiar with your home, I can also create a bespoke exercise rehabilitation plan that fits perfectly around your own environment, taking into account any space issues or equipment that you may have. This makes it easier for you to practise your exercises – which in turn makes it more likely that you’ll do them and benefit from them. 

All of these benefits add up exponentially over time, allowing your recovery to gather more and more momentum, until one day you wake up and realise that something feels different.

You’re getting better.

"A wondrous therapeutic bubble.” What my patients say:

“Until you’ve seen Nell Mead, you’ve not done physio!” - what the doctors say:

What does a physiotherapy home visit look like? That’s something we’ll decide together.

When I come to your home to provide you with treatment, we have all the time and flexibility we need to create a schedule that exactly meets your needs. A first visit always begins with an assessment: a full discussion of medical history, full body examination, and functional testing. Once we know where you are, we can start looking at where you want to go, with goal setting and agreeing a course of action. Then we’ll document everything so that we can refer back to it and measure your progress over time.

Booking a home session gives us the luxury to really get some intensive work done and accelerate your recovery. When we’re in clinic, my diary is limited to 90 minutes for an assessment, or an hour for a treatment session – and there’s very limited flexibility around that, as there’s always something or someone booked into the space after yours. But for a home visit, you book me for half a day or more. It gives us so many options:

  • We might spend a whole session doing hands-on treatment, using a number of treatment techniques including traditional physiotherapy, sports massage, Integrated Systems Model, Sarah Key Method, Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation, if that’s what you need.
  • We might spend more time examining and adjusting your home office, home gym, and living space to make sure that your problems aren’t being made worse by unsuitable furniture.
  • We can also take the time to practise your exercises slowly and carefully until you feel fully confident about doing them yourself, and videoing the process so that you remember exactly how and where to do them.

As a member of your personal healthcare team, I can also liaise with other practitioners if you have other trusted therapists you work with. Sometimes an injury needs more than one set of expert eyes and hands to improve, and if I can’t fix your issue myself, I will know where to find the answers and assistance you require.  If you are dealing with a complex condition and need further specialised help, I have a wide network of colleagues from orthopaedic surgeons to personal trainers and can also refer you for scans if appropriate. Together, we’ll make sure you get what you need to improve as much as possible. 

Find relief from long-term pain and injury with expert, hands-on physiotherapy sessions in the privacy and comfort of your own home

So many patients come to me struggling to cope with an injury that just isn’t getting better, no matter what they try. I tell them the same thing I’m about to tell you:

Improvement isn’t always easy. But it is possible. 

The first thing you need is hope: the belief that pain isn’t inevitable, and it isn’t forever. The trust that the answers are out there. The knowledge that with the right care and support, you’ll find those answers and with them, the relief you’ve been looking for. 

Hope is necessary because getting better takes work. There’s no way around that. There are some situations where we can find the problem and help you correct it fairly quickly. And there are some times where it may take weeks or months of focused exercise, commitment, and self-care to see serious improvement. 

Hope will see you through those times, and having treatment and support in your own home can be an invaluable source of hope and strength. The real “miracle” of physiotherapy at home is just how many obstacles it clears away in one fell swoop. It is amazing how much easier the process of recovery can feel, even when you’re working hard to do your part.

When you start removing obstacles from your journey towards health, things get easier. Your hope gets stronger, and so do you. Your recovery begins and gains momentum. 

You get better. 

You deserve hope, and you deserve to feel better as soon as possible. If you think physiotherapy sessions at home could be right for you, I would love to help. 

To book an in-home session, please call my team on 0207 175 0150 or fill in the contact form below, and we will be in touch to coordinate with your schedule.

I’d love to join Team You and get you feeling better.

Call my team at (+44) 0207 175 0150, send us an email at, or fill in this form, and we’ll get started.

How to Be Your Own Physio The New Book from Nell Mead

Are you tired of quick fixes that leave you back at square one? Ready to take control of your health with evidence-based strategies?

My book isn’t just another health tome – it’s your ticket to understanding your body and conquering both niggles and long-standing symptoms.

How To Be Your Own Physio, The New Book by Nell Mead