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How I work

Every body is unique. So is every appointment.

Finding the right physiotherapist for you can feel like an intimidating challenge. It may help to learn more about my unique approach to assessment and treatment for each patient. 

Get in contact

Just call my London team on
0207 175 0150 or use the form below and let me help you get better.

Just call my London team on
0207 175 0150 or use the form here.

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Assessment and treatment

Over the lockdown, this was where all new patients had to start – and it’s still something I can offer, if you prefer. Learn more about how online physiotherapy works and how effective it can be.

Come and see me in clinic

The majority of my patients are now coming to see me in clinic, subject to covid restrictions (if you have symptoms or are isolating, then we’ll stick with online therapy!) My assessment and treatment sessions will probably be a bit different from what you may be used to, so click the button below to find out what to expect.


Home Visits

Let me come to you. For some patients, the privacy and convenience of receiving treatment in the comfort of their own home is the best option. It’s often best to begin with an online chat to discuss whether home visits make sense for you, as this will help me to plan our sessions. Learn more about physio at home here.


How To Be Your Own Physio, The New Book by Nell Mead