Sarah Key Back Block Exercises
This is one of Sarah Key’s most famous exercises and is brilliant for stretching out your lower back.
Back Appeasing Exercise
When you have lower back pain, your muscles go into spasm. Here’s one of the best way to release those muscles and help reduce your back pain.
Stiff spinal segments – Sarah Key Method 1
Back pain begins with a stiff spinal segment – but what does that mean?
Spinal anatomy – how does it work?
If you have back pain, it can be helpful to know how your spine should work.
What’s the Sarah Key Method all about?
If you have chronic back pain, and other treatments haven’t worked, what next?
Case study: Knee pain connected to a pelvis injury
What do you look for when you have terrible knee pain, but the scans come back clear?
Physiotherapy, osteopathy, rehabilitation, chiropractor, massage therapist… Who should I see?
There are so many treatment options out there – which is right for you?